Leadership roles available

We’d like to inform you that some of our current board members will be completing their term and stepping down from NWADEBS in 2026. As a result, we may face some challenges in continuing our programming at that time. If you’re excited about helping NWADEBS grow and thrive beyond 2025, we’d be thrilled to hear from you about taking on a leadership role. Applications are being accepted through the end of June 2025, email nwadebsofficial@gmail.com to apply.

Welcome to NWADEBS’s Website


The Northwest Association for Death Education & Bereavement Support is a non-profit organization that exists to promote quality death education and bereavement support. The membership is made up of counselors, students, educators, nurses, physicians, hospital personnel, nursing home and hospice staff, social workers, physical and recreational therapists, complementary health providers, volunteers and lay persons who are committed to:

  • Improving the quality of death, dying and bereavement education for professionals and the greater community.
  • Promoting the interchange and development of related theory, research and clinical practices.
  • Creating forums for death education and bereavement support discussion.
  • Providing support and resources through professional presentations and building community connections.
  • Assisting with providing information and referral resources.

Visit our youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCTT48MUqvCPiS5x_RsoRCkg

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