NWADEBS Event Speakers Request For Proposals
Northwest Association for Death Education and Bereavement Support (NW ADEBS) and the Center for Community Engagement at Lewis & Clark Graduate School of Education and Counseling are pleased to present collaborative quarterly education events now taking place via Zoom.
As you prepare your proposal, we are requesting that you utilize this general template in planning your presentation:Presentation
- Title
- Presentation description
- Briefly review session objectives
- What are participants hoping to get out of this session?
- Presentation content
- Include references/resources as appropriate
- Emphasis on engagement of the audience where possible
- Statement Supporting Equity and Diversity
- Please allow at least 5 minutes at the end of your presentation for questions.
Benefits to Presenters
- Interaction in a wonderful setting with people who are interested in what you do.
- An opportunity to share knowledge and receive feedback from colleagues, while contributing to the advancement of care for those planning or supporting end-of-life, and the bereaved.
- Visual exposure
Faculty/Symposium Relationships
*Due to Covid-19 we are facilitating all education event online until communicated otherwise.
By submitting a presentation proposal, the applicant is aware of their obligations as a presenter:
- Presentations must be submitted electronically to NW ADEBS: nwadebsrfp@gmail.com
- Presentations will be loaded onto Lewis and Clark computers and must be available one week prior to the scheduled date of presentation.
- Lewis & Clark Center for Community Engagement handles registration and will send handouts to registrants (pre-registration is required) a few days prior to the event. Handouts need to be available to Lewis & Clark no later than one week prior to the event. They may also be made available on the NW ADEBS resource page.
Notice of RFP Status
All individuals submitting proposals will be sent an e-mail confirming the proposal has been received. The NW ADEBS Board will review and select proposals. Presenters will be notified via email. Please complete ALL information thoroughly and remember to include with your proposal a copy of your current CV. If you have handouts, these can also be included as an attachment.